Ever landed on a website and felt like you stumbled into a labyrinth of jumbled words? You’re not alone. 

Considering that attention spans are shorter than ever, a solid website content plan becomes a reliable roadmap for your online success.

Imagine your content is the friendly guide leading your visitors through a logical journey, ensuring they find what they need without getting lost in the digital wilderness. 

Well, that friendly guide is what I’m here to help you create.

In this guide, we’ll look at how to create a website content plan in 7 easy-to-follow steps. 

But first—


What is a website content plan?

A website content plan is a strategic blueprint that guides the creation, organization, and management of all the content present on your website. 

It’s a compass that ensures every content piece aligns with your brand, resonates with your audience, and contributes to your overarching goals.

Proper website content planning will:

  • Ensure coherence: A well-structured content plan weaves a seamless narrative throughout your site, connecting various pieces like chapters in a captivating book. This cohesiveness keeps your visitors engaged and establishes a strong brand identity.
  • Address audience needs: With a content plan in place, you can target your audience’s pain points, aspirations, and interests more effectively. It lets you deliver content that isn’t just filler but valuable information your audience is actively seeking.
  • Maintain consistency: A content plan sets guidelines for style, tone, and quality, ensuring your content remains consistent and professional. This consistency builds trust and reliability among your readers, keeping them coming back for more.

Basically, a well-crafted website content plan is like a map for your digital journey. It ensures you don’t wander aimlessly but rather lead your audience on a purposeful exploration of your offerings. 


What content should I include on my website?

Website content plan

While planning website content, consider these pages:

    • Homepage: The virtual front door of your site, showcasing your brand’s essence and directing visitors to key areas.
    • About page: Share your brand’s story, values, and mission to establish a connection with your audience.
    • Products/services: Highlight what you offer, complete with detailed descriptions, images, and prices.
    • Blog: A space to share insightful articles, tips, and updates on your industry or niche.
    • Portfolio: Showcase your work, projects, or case studies to demonstrate your skills and expertise.
    • Testimonials: Let satisfied clients sing your praises, building credibility and trust.
    • Contact information: Make it easy for visitors to contact you with questions or inquiries.
    • FAQs: Address common queries and concerns to assist visitors swiftly.
    • Resources: Offer downloadable content like ebooks, guides, or templates to provide added value.
    • Newsletter signup: Encourage visitors to subscribe for updates and exclusive content.
    • Social media links: Connect your website to social platforms for broader engagement.
    • Privacy policy and terms: Ensure legal compliance and transparency in data usage.
    • Hidden pages: Such as 404 error page, thank you page and leads magnets like landing pages.


How to create a website content plan

Ready to embark on the journey of crafting a website content plan that truly hits the mark? Let’s dive in and break down the process into actionable steps-

1. Understand your goals

Understanding your goals is like plotting your course before setting sail. 

Ask yourself, what’s the purpose of your website? Are you showcasing your portfolio, selling your services, or sharing valuable insights through a blog? Each goal shapes the content you create and the direction you take.

When planning website content, jot down your short-term and long-term objectives. Do you want to increase sales, boost engagement, or establish yourself as an industry thought leader? 

By setting these goals, you can tailor your content to meet them. For instance, if your goal is to boost sales, your content might focus on highlighting the unique features of your products and showcasing customer testimonials. Want to become a thought leader? Create in-depth articles that showcase your expertise and share valuable insights.


2. Define your audience and offerings

For website content planning, knowing your audience is akin to unlocking a treasure chest of opportunities. 

Start by envisioning your ideal reader or customer. What are their demographics, interests, challenges, and aspirations? Delve deep into their world to understand what makes them tick. This profound insight lays the foundation for content that resonates and addresses their needs.

Once you have a clear picture of your audience, align it with your offerings. Imagine presenting a bouquet to a friend with a pollen allergy – not the best match, right? Similarly, your content should align seamlessly with what you have to offer. 

Whether it’s products, services, or expertise, ensure your content showcases its value and relevance to your audience. This synergy creates a harmonious flow that captivates and converts visitors into loyal customers.


3. Audit existing content

To elevate your website’s content, start with a content audit. Think of it as a digital spring cleaning. 

  • Take stock of your existing content, from blog posts to product pages. 
  • Evaluate its relevance, accuracy, and alignment with your current goals. 
  • Weed out outdated or redundant material. 
  • Identify gaps where new content could shine. 

This process streamlines your content, ensuring each piece serves a purpose and contributes to your overarching strategy.

As you review each piece of content, ask yourself a few key questions: 

  • Is this information still accurate and up to date? 
  • Does it reflect your current brand messaging and values? 
  • Does it engage your audience effectively? 

Use these questions as a litmus test to separate the content worth keeping from the clutter. This audit declutters your website content plan and paves the way for a more cohesive and impactful website moving forward.


4. Map your website content visually

In the grand symphony of website content planning, visual mapping ensures every piece harmonizes beautifully. 

Visually mapping your website’s content helps you arrange information intuitively and engagingly. Start by creating a sitemap that outlines your main pages and their connections – think of it as the roadmap guiding your visitors through your website.

This process helps you determine where each content piece should reside – whether it’s a feature explanation, blog page, or product showcase. This strategic arrangement makes navigation seamless for your visitors, keeping them engaged and satisfied as they explore. 

As you map out your website content visually, remember this exercise isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s about user experience. By crafting a clear roadmap, you ensure your audience can navigate your site effortlessly, discovering the valuable content you’ve carefully curated. 


5. Research relevant keywords

Think of keywords as the breadcrumbs that lead your audience to your digital doorstep. To uncover the right keywords, put yourself in your audience’s shoes – what terms would they type into search engines when seeking information related to your offerings? Tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush are your trusty companions for this.

Start by brainstorming a list of potential keywords, then refine it by analyzing their search volume and competition. Aim for a mix of short-tail and long-tail keywords – short ones are like broad strokes, capturing a wider audience, while long-tail keywords hone in on specific queries, attracting a more targeted audience. 

A 2023 report on content marketing highlighted that 32% of marketers optimize their content for search as an organic promotion tactic. So, as you incorporate these keywords, remember quality trumps quantity. Your content should flow naturally, offering value to your readers while using keywords seamlessly.


6. Craft and optimize your website content 

Here’s where the magic of crafting compelling content intertwines with the science of search engine optimization. Your content is your digital voice – it tells your story, educates your audience, and showcases your expertise. 

Begin by addressing your audience’s needs and desires. What problems can you solve? What questions can you answer? Craft informative, engaging, and relatable content, as if you are conversing with only one person.

As you write, integrate the keywords you’ve researched naturally into your content. Focus on a clear structure, using headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break down your content into digestible chunks. Not only does this make your content more reader-friendly, but it also signals to search engines your content is well-organized and valuable.

Optimization isn’t just about algorithms – it’s about enhancing the user experience. Your content should engage, educate, and delight your readers while aligning with their search intent. 


7. Scale your web content

As your business scales, so should your content. 

Scaling your web content involves not only expansion but also continued excellence. Begin by committing to a regular content schedule. It could be weekly blog posts, monthly newsletters, or frequent updates to your product pages. 

This consistent flow of content keeps your audience engaged and your website fresh, signaling to visitors and search engines your site is active and valuable.

However, scaling isn’t solely about quantity – quality remains paramount. As you produce more content, maintain the same level of expertise, insight, and engagement that you established in your earlier pieces. 

Strive for variety – experiment with different content formats like videos, infographics, and podcasts to cater to varying learning preferences. Monitor your audience’s response and engagement to understand what resonates and refine your content strategy accordingly.


Get started with your website content planning

As we wrap up this journey through the intricacies of planning website content, let me tell you, success isn’t just a stroke of luck – it’s a masterstroke. 

From understanding your goals to crafting content that resonates, we’ve covered every nook and cranny of the content creation process. Think of it like piecing together a puzzle – each step contributing to the bigger picture of your online presence.

So, as you venture into the realm of website content, remember this: your website is your canvas, and your content is the brushstrokes that paint your brand’s identity. 

Whether you’re sprucing up your blog, refining your product descriptions, or carving out landing pages, remember that your website content plan is your weapon to succeed.


Looking for a writer to execute your B2B website content plan? Contact me!